If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.
— David Brier

We believe that learning is an endless journey, and through our workshops, you will be able to discover more into the world of branding, as thought by the Titan of Service, Professor Kirsti Lindberg-Repo.


Brändi Workshop

5th June 2019

Kuinka rakennat erottuvuutta, tunnettuutta ja mainetta brändille. Konkreettiset case-esimerkit, strategiset työkalut ja kaksi kirjaa apunasi.

This workshop guides you on how to build your brand awareness, reputation and reputation. Supporting materials in this workshop include case studies, strategic tools and two books to guide you.

Register now for our upcoming workshops!

Never miss the first-hand experience into the world of branding and receive insights on how you can improve your brand from Professor Kirsti Lindberg-Repo, the Titan of Branding herself. By registering, you will be informed on our upcoming workshops so that you will not miss the opportunity!