Research & Books — Brand Audit Group

Customer experience research has become the key brand differentiator. For this reason we need better research methods and skills that before. Our high standards of research and unique academic insights are a key differentiator for our services.

Minkälainen on Suomen imago?

Snapshot research of Finland’s image, 2017

Brand Audit Group studied a poll on the country image of Finland. The results are shocking: one third of the respondents didn’t know of any Finnish brands. However, most of them would like to visit Finland one day. According to Lindberg-Repo, we should work ten times harder with the country image of Finland and unify the message we wish to transmit. If for 100 years Finland has been selling a story of Santa Claus and sauna, maybe it’s time to showcase other unique Finnish concepts and transform the image more modern. Finland is the safest country in the world, the most modern in Europe, and a gateway to Asia, and all this has been achieved through great design and education.

After the golden years of Nokia, a strong vision and brand seem to be a forgotten concept for Finnish companies. “Vision is much more important than a standardized client pledge, that no company is able to keep” says Lindberg-Repo. While Finnish companies invest little in marketing, it is a fact that b2b brands are harder to turn globally interesting compared to consumer goods.



Customers value clinic reputation as the most important decision factors for private healthcare clinics.

These insights are from our annual Lääkäripalvelututkimus (2014) study conducted in Finland. This research was conducted with more than 250 respondents who use private healthcare services in Finland. Through the results of the study, we found out the criteria of generating customer value with private healthcare services in Finland. Eiran Sairaala returns as the top ranked private health-care clinic in 2014, followed by Dextra and Mehiläinen in customer experience and satisfaction.  


Restaurants and the young consumer: An emerging relationship, 2014

We conducted a multi-city survey with more than 150 young consumers in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Vaasa on their restauant preferences. Despite economic downturn, young consumers are forming strong relationships with their favorite restaurants. Our restaurant research report on young consumers shows that college students in Helsinki spend double amounts per week on restaurant visits as compared to college students in Turku. 


Who bells the cat? Customer trends in pet health-care in FinlanD 

In Helsinki, pet-owners spend from 200 to 2000 euros per month on pet health-care. This insight is from our research on pet owners and pet health-care providers in Helsinki metropolitan region. Our survey of more than 120 pet owners also found that empathetic service, service responsiveness and pet expertise are the key factors that are valued highly by pet owners in choosing their pet healthcare providers.

Academic Publications 

Dr. Kirsti Lindberg-Repo has published academic publications with Professor Christian Grönroos, as well as with Professor Don E. Schultz in marketing journals, such as the Journal of Brand Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and the Legends of Marketing Series (Christian Grönroos). Along with academic publications, Dr. Kirsti Lindberg-Repo has also published several books which has been a landmark book in Finnish business schools.